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How Kaebox Instant Delivery is Handling the Rise in Shipping Rates

Updated: Jan 31, 2023

Changes Are Happening

Shipping rates over the last three years have gone through some major changes. Affected by innumerable factors like the pandemic, worker shortages, and delays in the supply chain, it is no surprise that we are seeing such high spikes in pricing this year. The new 2023 shipping rates presented by shipping companies like UPS, USPS, and DHL are making consumers nervous.

We understand the apprehension of ordering an instant delivery service when the prices are so volatile. As a reliable, affordable instant delivery service provider we vow to remain accessible for households at all levels of income.

Kaebox Remains Dependable

Though we offer package pick up and instant delivery services fulfilled by Kaebox, USPS, UPS, DHL, and FedEx we do not expect our prices to shift dramatically. Our partnerships with each shipping provider are strong and are unaffected by this rise in pricing. We are holding onto our promise to deliver you the best deals by securing up to 88% off your instant delivery service when shipped through the Kaebox app.

In fact, because of the rising prices our discount can reach nearly 90% off depending on certain variables within your package pick up and instant delivery request.

Though the price changes may seem like small, incremental changes upon first glance, the total price at checkout may shock you. Package pick up and instant delivery services submitted through other shipping carriers likely will include the price hike. At Kaebox we have ensured that our pricing tool automatically reduces the external shipper cost. The prices you view will be updated in real time and are calculated based on the measurements of your package, the distance between pick up and drop off, and the external shipping provider selected, if the destination is beyond 150 miles that is.

Why Kaebox is the Shipping Champion

On account of our business model, Kaebox has fewer costs to worry about than our shipping partners. We do not operate out of brick and mortar storefront locations which helps us lower shipping costs. Without a physical location there is no rent to pay, employees to support, or maintenance to pay for. Other carriers need to offset their prices to accommodate their other financial obligations.

Kaebox does not own any vehicles. We chose to avoid the ‘fleet of delivery trucks’ route that our partners have taken. This is another reason shipping carriers like USPS, UPS, DHL, and FedEx are required to raise their prices on instant delivery services. Our couriers use vehicles they already own, meaning there is no need to return their vehicle at the end of the day. It also lowers our carbon footprint by using cleaner vehicles that require less gasoline. If a Kaeboxer does not own a car then they are free to choose a transportation method that works best for their needs. We support couriers who prefer walking or cycling enthusiasts alike. We believe in the freedom to choose what works best for you!

Which is why we will always provide you with transparent pricing options that show instant delivery prices in real time. We will always provide our users with what they deserve, a dependable and affordable package pick up and instant delivery service.

At Kaebox we care for our customers. We know how much this price increase can truly impact your business or household. You can always count on Kaebox to provide you with premium package pick up and instant delivery services at affordable prices.

So start saving today. Sign up for your Kaebox account to start shipping. No credit card required for sign up.

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